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Roman Chair Side Crunch


This is a strengthening exercise for the lumbar lateral flexors. Start by going into a roman chair side ways and place both hands behind your head. Make sure that the top of the pad of the roman chair is just below the top of your pelvis to stabilize the lower body. Proceed to bend the low back side ways to lower the torso towards the floor. Go to maximal tolerable range and then side bend the torso without rotation towards the ceiling. Slowly lower the body back down to the bottom position to complete a repetition.

Muscles Involved:

  • Quadratus Lumborum

  • Obliques

    • Internal Oblique

    • External Oblique

Related Conditions:

  • Oblique Strain

  • QL Strain

  • SIJ Syndrome

  • Mechanical Low Back Pain

  • Lateral Line Dysfunction

Required Exercise Equipment:

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