Standing Straight Leg Hurdles

The standing straight leg hurdle exercise is an end range strengthening exercise for the hip flexors. Start by placing your foot on a stair step, plyobox or stepper with the target leg straight in front of you. Place a kettlebell, yoga block, or water bottle beside your raised foot. You may use a dowel, wall or chair for balancing. While keeping the knee straight, raise the affected leg off of the stepper and over the kettlebell and back down on the other side. Complete a repetition by once again raising the leg up and back over the kettlebell back to the starting position.
Muscles Involved:
Psoas Major
Rectus Femoris
Related Conditions:
Myofascial Pain Syndrome Iliopsoas
Hip impingement
Hip spine syndrome
Internal Snapping Hip Syndrome
Mechanical Low Back Pain
Lower Cross Syndrome
Iliopsoas Tendinitis / Tendinopathy