This is an end range strengthening exercise for the trapezius. Start by lying down on a padded surface face down. Abduct the shoulders to 90 degrees (T position) and rotate the hands so that the thumbs face upwards. Proceed to raise the hands off of the ground while maintaining contact with the floor using your chest. Do 3-5 repetitions then abduct the shoulders by another 45 degrees (Y position). Once again raise the hands off of the ground and complete 3-5 repetitions. Abduct once again by 45 degrees so that your arms are now stretched out directly in front of you (I position). Raise the hands again for 3-5 repetitions to complete a set.
Muscles involved:
Posterior Deltoids
Rotator Cuff
Levator scapulae
Related Conditions:
Scapular Winging / Scapular dyskinesis
Shoulder impingement
Rotator cuff tendinitis
Rotator cuff tear / strain
Upper cross syndrome
Upper trapezius myalgia