Banded Lunge Stretch

This stretch is used to lengthen and stretch the hip flexor. The target hip flexor will be the trail leg. Start by loop a heavy strength band around the trail leg’s hip and anchoring it down to a stable object in front of you. Allow the band to pull the hip forwards. Tilt the pelvis backwards (posteriorly) into neutral position and shift the pelvis forwards slightly to engage in a stretch. You may deepen the stretch by raising the arms overhead. Hold for 3-5 breaths or 20-30 seconds as needed.
Muscles Involved:
Psoas Major
Rectus Femoris
Related Conditions:
Iliopsoas Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Low Back Pain
Lower Cross Syndrome
Lumbar Facet Syndrome
Iliopsoas Tendinopathy / Iliopsoas Tendinitis
Internal Snapping Hip Syndrome
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