This exercise is for thoracic and lumbar spine mobility as well as hip flexibility. Start by lying down on your back and flex one hip and knee to 90 degrees. Grab that knee with your opposite hand and pull it across the body and towards the floor. Use your other hand to grab your foot or ankle of the other leg and keep it pinned to the floor. Hold this position without allow your shoulders to come off of the ground. Take 3-5 deep breathes and switch sides.

Structures Involved:

  • Lumbar Spine

  • Thoracic Spine

  • Glutes

  • Obliques

  • Latissimus Dorsi

  • Quadratus Lumborum

  • Multifidus

  • Quadriceps

  • Iliopsoas

Related Conditions:

  • Chronic Low Back Pain

  • Thoracolumbar Syndrome

  • Hip Spine Syndrome

  • Lower Cross Syndrome

  • Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome

  • Lumbar Facet Syndrome

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