Infraspinatus Massage
The infraspinatus massage is a soft tissue mobilization and stretch technique used to target the infraspinatus muscle. Start by placing a massage ball on a tender spot on the infraspinatus muscle belly and lean on it while lying on the floor face-up. Start with your hand positioned just in front of your shoulder and arm externally rotated (palm facing the body). Proceed to stretch by raising the arm above your head while simultaneously rotating the hand inwards (palm facing forwards). Complete this motion at a 3 to 4 second tempo. Reverse the motion at the same speed to complete a repetition. Do a maximum of 5 repetitions per tender spot and 1 set per tender spot (up to 3 tender spots may be used).
Muscles Involved:
Related Conditions:
Infraspinatus Strain
Rotator cuff tear
Rotator cuff tendinitis / tendinopathy
Shoulder impingement
Frozen shoulder
Dynamic shoulder instability