PNF Lat Box Stretch

The PNF lats box stretch is a proprioception neuromuscular facilitation exercise for the latissimus dorsi muscle to improve end range strength and mobility in shoulder flexion. Start on your knees with one hand placed on a bench or chair. Begin to lean forwards to engage in a light stretch and hold for 5-7 seconds. Then, while remaining in the same position, compress the bench by pressing downwards with your hand to engage the latissimus dorsi for 5-7 seconds. Ease off on the contraction and lean forwards once again to deepen your range into another light stretch. Repeat until full range is achieved or for up to 5-7 repetitions.
Muscles involved:
Latissimus Dorsi
Related conditions:
Shoulder impingement
Rotator cuff strain (only in late stage recovery)
Lats strain (only in late stage recovery)
Frozen shoulder
Dynamic shoulder instability
Shoulder instability