Teres Minor Massage

The teres minor massage is a massage and stretch technique used to target a rotator cuff muscle responsible for external rotation. Start by placing a massage ball on a tender spot on the teres minor muscle belly and lean against a wall to compress the muscle within tolerance. Start with your hand positioned in front of your shoulder and arm externally rotated (palm facing the body). Begin by raising the arm above your head while simultaneously rotating the hand inwards (palm facing forwards). Take 3 to 4 seconds to complete this motion. Reverse the motion at the same tempo to complete a repetition. You may do between 4 to 6 repetitions per tender spot and up to 3 tender spots may be targeted.
Muscles Involved:
Teres Minor
Related Conditions:
Teres Minor Strain
Rotator cuff tear
Rotator cuff tendinitis / tendinopathy
Shoulder impingement
Frozen shoulder
Dynamic shoulder instability