Assisted Toe Spread


This exercise utilizes a band to assist in stretching the big toe and pinky toe adductors. Start by looping a band between the big and second toe and anchoring it to a stable object inwards of the foot. Loop another band around the pinky toe and 4th toe and anchor down to a stable object outside of your foot. Allow the band to pull the big and pinky toes into abduction and then plant the foot into the floor. Slowly raise the forefoot off of the ground and back down to stretch in multiple angles.

Muscles Involved:

  • Adductor Hallucis

  • Dorsal Interossei

  • Opponens Digiti Minimi (Foot)

Related Conditions:

  • Hallux Rigidis

  • Hallux Valgus

  • Bunions

  • Metatarsophalangeal Osteoarthritis

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Toe Sprain

Exercise Equipment:

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