Standing Pelvic Tilt

This is a motor control and patterning exercise that aims to give you individual control of your pelvis. The goal of this exercise is to learn how to tilt the pelvis back and forth without using your hips or upper back to compensate for the movement. You may place your hands on your pelvis to help visualize or assist this movement. Tilt the pelvis forwards to arch (extend) the lumbar spine without using your legs. Tilt the pelvis back wards to curl (flex) the lumbar spine.
Structures Involved:
Sacroiliac Joint
Lumbar Spine
Femoroacetabular Joint
Related Conditions:
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Lower Cross Syndrome
Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome
Lumbar Facet Syndrome
Thoracolumbar Syndrome
Hip Spine Syndrome
Pseudo Sciatica
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